Learn the practical skills and knowledge required in today’s competitive corporate world.
Admissions are subject to the following conditions
Admission Procedure
The application form along with prospectus and fee structure can be got form the school office.
Depending on the class to which admission is being sought, appropriate instructions will be given on scheduling a personal interview/entrance test for the candidate.
In case of post confirmation of a successful interview/test performance, parents are requested to pay the prescribed fees within the due date as informed by the school office.
On remittance of prescribed fees to our school, admission will be confirmed and the student will be enrolled.
At the time of registration, the duly filled in application form along with the following documents must be submitted:
Parents desirous of admitting their children are required to fill in the application forms enclose the required certificates and take an appointment for an assessment test and thereafter an interview with Principal/Parents are required to accompany the child.
Subjects for the Aptitude Test: English, Mathematics, Hindi/Kannada (II Language), Social studies, General Science and General knowledge.
Admission is considered to be final only on the payment of fees.
Age Criteria